I See You New Year....I See You Resolution!

This picture shows how I'm feeling today it is by the beautiful and amazing Dawn Okoro whom I stumbled upon while blog stalking ;] Soooo i've been waiting on a seat to open for a Calc II class because the one I had initially enrolled in only had 5 seats filled and classes start on the 10th...not a good sign. To me this says either A the teacher sucks or B Hes new. So I commenced the seat watching for a teacher that was supposed to be pretty good and took a little initiative and emailed said teacher as well as talked to the department head who gave me the advice to watch out last night for dropped seats from students who probably couldn't pay tuition. This morning I woke up to 1 open seat I jumped on it like a sale at Wet Seal lol...all I could do was thank God.... good lookin out J.C. =] The only thing that really mattered to me is getting into a good class to assist me in my academic success as I finish at this God forsaken community college in May...Lord knows I can't wait to get up out of there. I know going to a university will be more challenging but I think I'm ready for it I'm ready for it. In case you were wondering I'm going to study Computer Science =] I'm excited... I love to create things but you guys will find that out in time.

In other news...lol...happy belated holidays everyone! I know I have only done like 2 posts since I've had this thing but I'm trying to get better because I actually like blogging =]. I've made a few vlogs though so thumbs up for that. I'll be playing more with my blog and amping it up to gain more followers as well as write about other things besides sisterlocks I have so many interesting things going on this year that I'd like to share it with you....or at least document it. This should be fun.

Anywho I'll be posting my vlogs on here as well as some art and various other cool things hope you like it =]


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